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July 2024


I go on tour with my good friend Tim Holehouse across Värmland and Norway. Details in the image below - 




Dave Procter - Sound artist and educator


I am a musician and regular live artist in a number of musical styles ranging from spoken word and post-punk to noise and harsh noise wall and have performed over 500 times in the past decade across the UK and the EU. I also organised the following experimental art events in Leeds between 2011 and 2020 - Hogwash, Swinefest, Drone for the......, Sound | Space | Response, Ten Hours of Drone and A Working Day of Drone. 


I have nearly 30 years teaching experience in both music technology/production and English as a Second Language and am also an academic proofreader at Karlstad University. 


I have held a number of workshop sessions on noise music and noise music culture in Czechia, Denmark, Lithuania and Norway and have presented at universities in the UK and Ireland on noise music culture and collectives. I am currently beginning the analysis of data and interviews taken as part of the future book "Skandinoisia!" which will document my place inside a number of noise scenes in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.  


I live on the island of Hammarö in western Sweden where I run the record label Dret Skivor which attempts to collectivise the noise, drone and ambient music scenes of Värmland locally and the Nordic countries more generally, with the intention of encouraging collaboration, gig swaps and the creation of new music. I'm a member of the arts' collective Kolonin and the Svenska Experimentall Musik och Film organisation. 




teaching // proofreading // workshops

Teaching - I have worked for the Swedish Education Organisation ABF since autumn 2020 - I teach on a number of self-developed English as a Second Language courses ranging from Beginners' English to Advanced English covering the A1 to C1 levels of European Language learning.  I have also worked at Folksuniversitet in Karlstad as a conversational English tutor.  Before this, I was a Senior Lecturer at Leeds Beckett University in the UK where I taught Experimental Music modules and courses related to Acoustics and Studio Design. 


Proofreading - I have worked as an academic paper proofreader at my local university since 2021 helping PhD students develop their English language skills in an academic context. 


Workshops - I have been involved in creating and holding workshops on sound, listening and noise music culture over the past decade. Some examples include - noisewalks, performance in non-traditional space, spontaneous live performance. 



2025 "Scandinoisia!"..........further information to come.........



2023 "Noise, Power Electronics, and the No-Audience Underground: Place, Performance and
Discourse in Leeds’ Experimental Music Scene (chapter w Gowans, T and Legard, P) in "Popular Music in Leeds" Intellect. 

2023 "Dale Prudent's Shite" Clinicality Press - available here

2019 "Dale Prudent's Shit" Clinicality Press - available here 

2016 "Imagining the scene and the memory of the F-Club: Talking about lost punk and postpunk spaces in Leeds" Punk and Postpunk 5(2). (w Spracklen, K & Henderson, S)


The majority of the music I make can be found at this website > Dret Skivor . I am always interested in new and weird noise, drone and ambient from artists based in Scandinavia, so if this describes you and your music and you'd like to collaborate and/or release your music on DRET, please get in touch. 


I see musical practice and education as inseparable - I am constantly testing new ideas and incorporating these into future pieces, works and ideas for installations and live performances. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for my work.



projects - past and present

Below is a selection of projects I have worked on or are ongoing.......clicking on the image may give further information about the project.


What does the fjord say and what do we say in reply?

A site specific project using the sculpture located in Trondheim to create sound in addition to capturing them. Undertaken in May 2023 with local artist Martin Palmer. 



Since 2014, I have been a performing artist in a number of noise music scenes across Scandinavia. I have interviewed over 30 noise artists, fans, archivists and promoters and have collected a huge amount of images, audio, video and personal thoughts. These will form the content of my book Skandinoisia! which is planned for publication in late 2024.


Urban Myth - From Burley to Salem 

A site specific project in the former St Margaret's Church (now Left Bank Arts' Centre) in Leeds 6 with London-based visual artist Geraldine Hudson.

FDO 1.jpg

Fibonacci Drone Organ

This project is concerned with the use of material and space and the psychoacoustic effects both have on the audience's perception of sound. 

Procter // Poulsen

I regularly collaborate with the Danish composer Claus Poulsen. We meet, discuss ideas and perform long-form improvised experimental music sets with both artists remixing and producing the work. You can listen to our music here.  


Fibonacci MINSTallation

A portable, minimalist installation where everything is recycled and/or repurposed, with proportions conforming to the Fibonacci Series. This < 1m2 collection of art is the result. 


For teaching, proofreading and workshops -



For music and artistic projects - please use my  instagram page





Dret Skivor - Scandinavian noise, ambient and drone


Skoghall Rekordings - non DRET music from a number of acts I perform(ed) in. 







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